Ohio Hockey Digest

Submit a story to Ohio Hockey Digest


Ohio Hockey Digest wants to hear from you!

Although we'd love to, we can't cover every level of hockey in and around Ohio, from youth hockey to the NHL, by ourselves. 

We encourage you to use the OHD platform to tell us about your team or league, please use this form to submit content for the site.  If there was a great game you want to tell us about, or you would like to feature a player who is having a great season, or just have a nice story to share, let us know. 

If you have an event or fundraiser coming up we can help spread the word about that, too.

Do your best to "capture the spirit of the thing" and don't forget a picture!

You will have to click below to sign in or create a free Sportsengine account in order to make a submission.

OHD reserves the right to edit all submissions to ensure that the content is appropriate and aligns with our mission and editorial standards.


Please direct questions to:  scott@ohiohockeydigest.com